About Indeed-y Ma

Curtain Call 

Writers have plenty to say and a lot to think about. There’s always commentary, opinions, ideas, etc. Communication and freedom of expression is religion, the way writers live. It’s our realm to a forum that represents our thoughts. Without writers, how are ideas supposed to spread?

As writers, our emotions and thoughts are married to one another. Some of us are emotional little bastards, while others are aggressively provocative. They know how to illicit reactions from their readers, inspire a following, a collaboration and to get discussions moving. We provide a visual feast to the world so they can feel words and all of the emotions that are connected to them. Writers are able to grant sparks in the volition.

Some of us have had all the luck and have been recognized. Some of us have not.

Those of us who have tried to gain recognition, went by unnoticed. While our day-to-day routines have slowly taken over, it has placed our passion on the backburner. Life happens. The Great Recession occurred. It was hard and is still hard. For everyone. Well, maybe not to those in the 1% club.

The difficulties were trying. Some of us were settled on living paycheck-to-paycheck. Until recently, that lifestyle of “getting by” isn’t good enough anymore. Our generation, the 30 something’s, want more because we know we have the full capability to produce meaning and passion. We aren’t the dreamers anymore, we are the innovators.

We are the motivators.

We are the unspoken artists.

We know we can do better because we are better.

Indeed-y Ma is the acceptance of artistic talents. All artists, entertainers, thought-provokers, inspirers are welcome to come together to submit their work, to share their part in the world. It’s your vision, too.

Give you the floor; this is your curtain call.

And in return, you will do the same for us. Together we will decide to do whatever we want, however we want, with any shape, form, forum, realm and style because we live in the age where it is allowed to freely express our vision. To do it any way. Any how. Because it’s our turn. It’s our time to creatively shine in a time where the darkness of the corporate monster continues to eat us through visionary advertisements, whilst making us feel as though we aren’t good enough.

We are better than “good enough”.

As a Chicago kid, I know the ins & outs of Mother C. What goes on in our neighborhoods, Chicago parking, the great and not-so-great dating scene. Let’s not forget the outrageous taxes, the Big Brother fines and various political corruptions that are just as dramatic as Englewood.

We live in a world where we are able to grab the world by its balls and own it. We see how the world is slowly becoming somewhat of a dark monster, keeping some of us trapped in our own self-indulged bubbles, not wanting to extend ourselves beyond our comfort zone.

Welcome to Indeed-y Ma.

A Girlie's Guide to All Things Considered.