Sticks & Stones Can Try To Break You

“One of the most painful things you can experience in life is not so much physical pain, but being self-occupied. Because to the extent you are self-occupied, that’s the extent you will be in pain”

-Joseph Prince

For the past four years I’ve ignored a stomach pain.

It wasn't fussy in the beginning, so I really didn't think much of it. It was a silent nag, quiet and completely sporadic, once a year. It was a tummy ache and that was it. Took tums, went to bed.

The first time the pain knocked me out was the fall of 2010.

The second time the pain kicked my ass was the winter of 2011.

The similarities between these two times were it only occurred once in those two years.

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not a drinker, I really watch what I eat and I work out a lot. I’m healthy besides smoking cigs. The reason why I didn't see a doctor before was one reason: I didn't have insurance. Now, I do. 

In 2013, I experienced the stomach pains only once in July. The aches didn’t return again until February 2014. Nothing until September. The September agony occurred every weekend with an increase in intensity and frequency.

October 3, 2014, I went to the ER at Christ Hospital. They gave me a numbing drink, pills, and recommended I see a Gastroentologist. I did see one and he said they needed to perform a procedure where they’re going to put a camera down my throat to see my tummy.

October 14, 2014, the procedure happened and the results: HPylori. It’s a bacterial infection that exists in the lining of the stomach. Dr. Genius didn’t think to do an MRI or an Ultrasound. I could have avoided a week of bullshit had he done his job properly in the beginning.

I waited for a month to receive the results and for the medication, which by this point, my pains had become unbearable. Dr Genius and his staff were all sorts of terrible in delivering the results in a timely manner, in addition, he and his staff, displayed a poor attitude and bestowed 1,000% unprofessionalism to my mother and I.

November 11, 2014 I went to the ER at Christ Hospital, again. They performed the same procedure of numbing drink and pills. This time, no more advise was offered from them. Feeling helpless and a loss of control, I was hoping to get the agony resolved so I can move on with my life. It’s terrible not knowing what is going on.

November 12th/13th, 2014 I woke up with a different type of stomach pain that resulted in cold sweats and me calling 911 where they rushed me to Palos Community Hospital.

At Palos, the doctor said they needed to perform a CATscan because they ddidn't know anything about me. The CATscan said the issue of my tummy pains weren’t my stomach at all. It was my gallbladder and intestines.

Yeah dude. My gallbladder and intestines.

For those of you that don’t know me, I’m a logical person. If I see something that doesn’t fit in the puzzle, I’m going to call out on it. If subject X doesn’t connect, then my brain is going to assume there are missing pieces of information.

So if I’ve been having stomach pains, I’m going to assume that yeah man, my stomach hurts so let’s fix my tummy. Wasn’t the case. 

In terms of your gallbladder and liver, they produce bile. My stuff had collected sludge and stones in four years that it had malfunctioned in producing it the right way, which caused my gallbladder to fill up and spill the stones into my intestines, the duct. In order to remove my gallbladder, my intestines had to be clear of all the stones. Once that procedure was done, the gallbladder was going to be removed. And I could return to work and normal life and yell at slow drivers with Randy again.

On November 13, 2014, Dr. ER said I was being admitted and that surgery was on the list of shit that I had to do for the next few days. “Get the fuck outta here!!!” was all I could say.
CATscan turned to an MRI, which led to an Ultrasound, with the final conclusion of 2 surgeries. Seventy-two hours full of morphine with no food, drink, or cigs. My friends and family came to town to bask in all of my smart-mouthed glory and my loving Mother and Father took care of my bullshit.

I love them. They always create a loving environment and know how to paint the town a different shade of red than the kind average people are used to.

The staff at Palos were really great. The nurses were polite, kept their cool with the difficult overnight visitors, and laughed at all my jokes. If I pressed that button, they came rushing in and gave me more morphine. It really is great when you’re in that much pain to be waited on hand and foot.

I had two neighbors across the hall from me. An older man and an older woman. If she wasn’t screaming/freaking out, he was and vice versa. Throughout the day and night, they would yell. Well, my last night there, I couldn’t take the shouting anymore and dragged my bare ass out of my room, IV attached, hunched over, hair dirty and matted, armpits stinky, no makeup, and hungry for food. Bloated, in pain and beyond my wits end, I stood in the middle of that hallway and pulled a move that really was mostly for my entertainment. I yelled:
Hey! The both of you need to meet and go out on dates!! You’ll have a great sex life together!
The nurses smiled and didn’t reprimand me as they were clearly fed up with the two disturbing the rest of us.

I went to sleep that night with a big smile on my face.

November 21, 2014, I’m now clear of pain, a missing gallbladder, still a tiny bit swollen, back to work and completely in awe of the events from the past week.

I have great friends that kept on texting and calling, an awesome family that doted on me, and a surgeon that cleared up all my bullshit within a few days. I’m a lucky girl to have nothing but love and support. To everyone that blew up my phone and facebook message box, and email, thanks so much!

Love, it’s the one thing that cures pain.