Unknowns Vs. Somebody

"No One Can Make You Feel Inferior Without Your Consent."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

We are a couple of unknowns, it’s okay to make mistakes.

Let this resonate with you for a moment.

We are a couple of Unknowns.

There are two types of people in this world.

It is okay to make mistakes.

The Unknowns and the Somebody’s.

It is not okay to make mistakes when every aspect of your life is set on one goal. Preparing. Creating. Outlining. All of the hard work that has been carefully settled is suddenly demolished by this absurd notion of: It’s Okay to Make Mistakes.

This announcement conveys reservations with a narrow degree of understanding. It also grants preconceived notions for failure. This lack of discipline, carries an absence of will power, which is all due to this idea of accepting miscalculated offenses.

Enough already!

Learn to prevent the same error from happening again and put a stop to welcoming repeated faults. They will inevitably grow to become an entity of chaotic astonishments. Take these first inaccuracies as a different opportunity to grow from, to ward off future defects. Should they continue, then it delves into a superficial excuse; a validation behind irresponsible and complacent behavior, which is, quite frankly, unacceptable. 

This offensive statement: We are a couple of unknowns, it’s okay to make mistakes screams mediocrity! This implies there is an acceptance within to hide your truest potential, to be lost in the crowd. I can’t help you to express yourself, to take away that fear.

Furthermore, I am not an Unknown. You may think you are, but I know I am not.

An unknown is a person who only walks and responds in silence, spending too much time thinking, but no time performing those thoughts. Neglects the truth, escapes from confrontation, and fits the needs and expectations of others just to be accepted.

An unknown quiets down, allows their ideas and existence to become substandard. A person who conditions others to realize that your presence is irrelevant, while distancing themselves from collaborating with individuals who are trying to make the words “NO” body disappear.

An unknown distresses emotions like a demon feeding dark thoughts into others as a way to guide them into submissiveness. They carry inclined attitudes by limiting their own success and fulfillment.

An unknown can’t, won’t and doesn’t.

I am a Somebody. I put thinking into action because no one can see what thinking looks like. I have done a lot more than what most have accomplished. I’m open, expressive, and will certainly not be deemed as an unknown by anyone. Especially by an Unknown.

It’s attitude. It’s behavior. It’s words being put into action. A Somebody who conveys ideas and inspires. Who seeks out questions, gains answers and shares experiences. A Somebody is self-assured and determined to succeed.

Thriving on the idea of challenges, a Somebody does the best, demands the best, and is the best. An unknown will respond with Lower Your Expectations.  My response: Absolutely Not. My expectations are high because I believe in an unparalleled future where I hold myself with a definitive accountability. I believe in my confidence.

A Somebody soaks in the adversity of hard work and rejects the idea of failure. They ignore the criticism and shove aside any negative noise that erupts from people who should be supportive, not discouraging.

Those opposing voices that throw shade in your direction, are the Unknowns.

We are a SomeBody.

When you dream and act big, then you become a MoreBody.